Consultation Call

During this call, we take a closer look into learning your business’s financial needs & goals to create a strategy to make sure they are met.


A customized proposal will be provided, outlining the strategy recommended based on the previous consultation call.


Upon signature of the proposal and payment of the first invoice, we will provide a checklist of business information required to see the full scope of business financials. If accounting software is needed, this will also be set up for new clients.

End of Month

At the end of the month, you can expect reconciliations of all financial accounts, payable and receivable statements, as well as the preparation of financial reports.

Advisory Meeting

Once a month*, we will provide one-on-one meetings to review monthly financial reports and discuss any current and future financial goals relative to your business.

*This will be quarterly for clients who opted for the quarterly review service

End of Year

At the end of the year, we will tie out all financial accounts and send over your financial reports to your CPA or tax preparer.